Thursday, 21 January 2010

Introduction to Coursework and the Use of Cameras.

In our lesson on Tuesday we were introduced to our coursework tasks. The first task was the preliminary task in which we were given our groups and the task of making a short film about someone walking into the room and having a small conversation with another person. This film also had to show use of the 180° rule, shot-reverse-shot and a match on action. The task is worth 15 marks of our overall grade. The second task was the main task which was to do a trailer for a thriller movie. Both of these tasks involve the use of cameras so were given tips and instructions on how to use cameras and I took some quick notes from this and drew some diagrams:

After this we went into our preliminary task groups and started to plan our short film. Aidan, Amie and I discussed what we wanted to do and then briefly planned this out on a Mind Map. This shows where we wanted to film it, how we wanted to film it and who was doing what in the group:

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